當(dāng)前位置: 首 頁(yè) - 產(chǎn)品中心 - 國(guó)外進(jìn)口代理醫(yī)學(xué)模型
貨號(hào):040067 型號(hào):SB31026U
價(jià)格(元):詢價(jià) 產(chǎn)地:美國(guó)

    Intramuscular Injection Model
This high-tech medical model with realistic skin is perfect for teaching proper injection techniques and how to avoid nerves and veins. The see-through right side of the model shows internal structure including bones, muscles, nerves and veins. Correct intramuscular injection sites can be palpated. A green light indicates correct injection technique and positioning - a buzzer and flashing red light warn students if they have gone too deep or needle position is incorrect. Dimensions: 15" H x 13-3/4" W x 8-1/2" D. One-year warranty.


您只要致電:021-64188321 021-64188291 021-64176268 021-64188033
我們可以幫您推薦符合您要求的臀部肌肉注射訓(xùn)練以及對(duì)比模型-帶監(jiān)測(cè)警示系統(tǒng) SB31026U相關(guān)產(chǎn)品!


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 電話:021-64188291 021-64188321 021-64176268 傳真:021-64188033 E-mail:shyilian@126.com
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